The Rabbit And The Wolf

One day when The Rabbit was walking in the forest, he heard someone crying out,"Help! Help! me please!".He looked around and finally he saw a Wolf. A great stone had fallen on his back so that he aloud not get up. The Wolf asked The Rabbit's help and he said that he would die if no body helped him.

The Rabbit worked very hard and finally he manages to get the big stone off the Wolf's back. However, instead of saying thank you ,the wolf jumped up and caught the rabbit in his mouth. The Rabbit cried and asked for mercy but The Wolf insisted on the killing him for his mouth. The Rabbit cried and asked for mercy but The Wolf insisted on killing him for his meal.

Then the Rabbit said. "No good person kills someone who helped him. it is not fair.You can ask The Duck, who is very fat and asked and knowns everything". Therefore both of them went to The Duck. He listen to their story and  he said. " Show me the stone , i want to knowns how the story happened". They all together went to the stone.

"Now.let be the sure about this". Said the Duck. "Put the stone on the wolf's effort the Rabbit put the stone on his back again. "Well, that do you think?" the wolf asked The Duck. The Duck thought for a moment. then he said,"I think you were wrong cruel to the Rabbit, who had helped you. Now wait and see until someone else will help you!".And The Duck and The Rabbit left The Wolf in the story state in which The Rabbit and come upon him. They laughed at The Wolf although he asked for help."Help!help!help! me.Please. 

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