Indonesia Famaous Hands-Produced Cloths

           Indonesia is famaous for its hand-produced cloths. you can see examples of these cloths in many museums in indonesia. you can also see them in museums all over the world. i, my self , was amazed to walk into a museum in Budapest, Hungary and find hundreds of indonesian cloths on display.
             Indonesian have producing these cloths for very long time. two kinds of cloths are produced: plain cloths for every day wear and richly decorated ones for special event such as marriages. on special occations people give cloths as agift to the family of the man and woman to marriaged.
               Almost every province in indonesia has its own way of decorating cloths. Palembang in sumatra, is well known for its songkets made of silk and  gold threads. Lampung is famaous fot its ship cloths, whilw Central Java is famaous for its Batik.all of the decorating used to have a symbolic meaning. Howeever, many of these meaning have been forgotten now.
             On the eastern islands, ikat is main style, Sumba produces some of the best ikats in the world Sulawesi, NTB, and NTT are also well known for quality and variety of their ikat.

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