Pampas Grass

       Pampas grass is a large perennial grass native to Brazil, Argentina and Chile. it grow in large clumbs eight to ten feet high. Silky, silver -white or punkish plumes bloom in late summer, rissing 12 feet high.
       Pampas grass displays many ornamental forms. some forms have rose or purple flowers . some forms are smaller plants that grow only four to five feet tall. the variety cortaderia selloana pumula is a drawf form with very narrow grass - like leaves. this variety is becoming more widespread among gardeners.
      The plumes differ between female and male plants, although it's not always obvious on first glance. Female plants produces plumes that are broad full due to silky hair that cover the tiny flowers. Male plumes appear narrow and thin because the flower doesn't contain the hairs. There is also considerable variotion among seedlings in growth with habit, period of flowering and size and shape of plumes.
      Pampas grass can be very attractive and functional plant when used corectly in landscape design, it can be used as a specimen plant in isolated location or large lawns.Because it grows very rapidly into a massive plant, it make an excellent screening plant for sunny location.

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